
Gloucestershire Badger Group (GBG)

Gloucestershire Badger Group  (GBG) is made up of a group of voluntary members throughout the county whose common interest is the protection of badgers. We rely entirely on our volunteers and donations to carry out our badger welfare and conservation work and welcome new members who share our love of badgers. We are always pleased to answer any queries from the public, landowners  or professionals concerning badgers, their setts and habitats.

GBG is affiliated to the Badger Trust and is extremely grateful for the Trust’s invaluable support enabling us to grow and develop as a group through a generous grant from the Claire Hammacott Fund. We are committed to ending the badger cull and fully support the approach detailed in the Badger Trust report “Tackling Bovine TB Together

We work in close co-operation with the local police and carry out regular patrols to monitor badger setts. Other activities include conducting area surveys of the badgers’ habitats when threatened by highway and building projects, the rehabilitation of sick and injured badgers, and giving advice regarding badgers in gardens.

We know there are many people out there who treasure and love our wildlife and are passionate about protecting it.  We provide a framework to bring such people together in Gloucestershire and enable them to act effectively to help our badger population and have fun with like-minded people along the way.

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