Despite the intensive cull starting at the beginning of September, and various freedom of information requests, the government has only now released the intensive cull minimum and maximum figures, as we near the end of this intensive cull period. Reed now targets 38,300 badgers for slaughter in 2024 – it doesn’t have to be this way.
Intensive Cull figures released show over 10,000 more badgers marked for slaughter, bringing the kill target this cull season to 38,300.
New figures released by the government yesterday reveal that over 10,501 badgers have been marked for slaughter in licences issued under the controversial and ineffective intensive badger cull that started on 30 August 2024.
Adding this figure to the expected kill figures for the existing supplementary badger cull means the total number of badgers marked for slaughter in 2024 now stands at up to 38,300.
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